Please read carefully.....To participate in IHR's Listen To WIN's monthly contests Just tune us in and listen for the monthly contest song. The song will be posted each month. When you hear the song just email us at TwistedMetal1970@hotmail.com With the title I want To Win With IronHorse Radio. Also put in our comment section That you played Listen To WIN!. Winners names will be posted on this page. Once we determine our monthly winner that months winner will be notified by email (so make sure you add your email in your entry) and then we will email the months winner's digital gift card of the month (Chosen By Us) Once our donations pick up we can then spend more on monthly prizes. So if you are new here welcome and thank's for tuning in. For you regulars you know you're awsome. STARTS MARCH/01/2025
When you hear the song email us with the title "Listen To Win" along with the name of the song/band/artist. Also on the website comment section announce that you played. 4 weeks to a month giving you 4 chances to win. Winners will be announced on our website in the comment section.